Blasting off to a good start


Blasting off to a great start!


Well, what a wonderful start to the term in Moonbeam class. The last three weeks have been super exciting and we have all settled really well. We are accessing all the challenges in our new classroom and we are getting used to the new routines and…

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Welcome to Diamond Class

Welcome to Diamond Class,

We have had an amazing start to this academic year and the children have settled very well into the Upper Juniors. Over the last two weeks we have made an amazing start on our work across all subjects.

In Mathematics, we have revised at the value of digits as we…

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Perfect Performance

Image of Perfect Performance

We have had another week of fun in Year 5 this week.

We didn’t manage to write a blog last week as we were having too much fun at Blackpool Zoo. Please see our picture.

This week, we have enjoyed watching our friends in the summer production of Beauty and the Beast. This was funny and the…

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Dazzling Diamonds

It has been another great week of learning and fun this week in Diamond Class. We have been looking at lots of new learning and also continuing with some of our current learning too.

In English, we have been planning our new story that we will pitch to another class in school. We have also…

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Seaside Sunshine!

Image of Seaside Sunshine!

This week in Sunshine Class…..


We had an amazing Seaside Day, the children made sandcastles, had donkey rides, coloured their seaside gifts, listened to a story while eating fish and chips, watched Punch and Judy, had an ice –cream and played games! They had so much fun and our class said…

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Moonbeam Moments

Here are our Moonbeam moments of the week:

  1. “We have been learning about our bodies and senses in Science” – Lorelle
  2. “In PSHCE we have been learning how to look after a baby.” – Lana
  3. “We have been practising our number bonds to 10 and doubles on hit the button” – Lillie
  4. “In Mathematics…
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A Day in Diamond

On Monday this week, we completed our Greek myth ready to edit with our peers.

On Tuesday, we continued with our dance with Miss Leah. We are learning a routine to ‘Be our Guest’ from Beauty and the Beast.

On Wednesday, we had lots of fun with Mr Parkinson and carried out a lesson in First…

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The Sunshine Is Here!

Image of The Sunshine Is Here!

This week in Sunshine Class……


We have been measuring in maths, with our steps, rulers, measuring tape, trundle wheels and cubes.

In English we have been writing all about Percy the Park Keeper, with focus on description, capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

In Continuous…

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A Busy Week in Sunshine Class!

Image of A Busy Week in Sunshine Class!

In Sunshine Class this week…..


We have had lots of fun focusing on our story ‘Percy the Park Keeper – The Secret Path’. We have talked about our favourite flowers and plants, labelled the parts of a plant and planted our own Gerkins!


In Maths we have been discussing Charts – we…

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Our Weekly Blog


This week in Diamond Class, we have been continuing with lots of fun learning.

On Monday, we started to plan our Greek myth, which we will be writing later in the week.

On Tuesday, we enjoyed sports day with the whole school.

On Wednesday, we looked at short division in mathematics…

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Moonbeam moments of the week

Here are our Moonbeam moments of the week:

  1. “We have been dividing in Mathematics” – Bobby
  2. “We have been doing lots of phonics” – Oliver
  3. “We did our phonics screening and we got a class certificate.” – Autumn
  4. “We have been reading 'Dougle’s Deep Sea Diary' in English” – Lucie
  5. “In…
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Busy Bees


Busy Bees

The last two weeks have been super busy with us practising for our SATs Tests and then sitting them this week. Mrs Parkinson, Mrs Hudson and Mrs Bradley are so happy with us…

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