Another week of lovely weather has allowed us to explore our outdoors even more. We collected more minibeasts on Monday which we looked at closely under the magnifying glasses and the drew and painted our own. Mrs Parkinson is very impressed with Hannah's worm, Sapphire's butterfly, Remi's ladybird and Lillie's snail.

We thought carefully about the colours of the minibeasts and did some super colour mixing.

After we had looked carefully at the minibeasts we wrote some riddles about them for a competition that Mrs Hanigan had set for us, this writing will be sent off in the hopes that somebody will win a prize.

As sports day is coming closer (Wednesday 5th June at 1:30pm) we have been out practising running our races. It was hard at first to run in straight lines but we are all doing a great job now. If you want to practice at home the races are running, egg and spoon, sack and bean bag on the head.

We had our weekly football session with Lloyd from afc fylde which was outside this week and lots of fun.

Maths this week has been really challenging as we are getting ready for year 1. We are looking at complicated concepts such as doubling and symmetry. We hope you like our symmetrical butterflies hanging from the canopy outside. 

Continuing our being healthy theme we have been looking at lots of different fruits. The children all made their own fruit kebab which had to have fruit on which they hadn't tried before. Everybody did a great job of trying something new.

Please see our gallery for photographs of the fruity activities.

Once we had learnt that a coconut was a coconut and not an onion we investigated different ways to crack it open. Some suggestions were roll it down a big hill, play catch with it, throw things at it, drop it off the school roof, twist it, hammer it and use a sword to open it. 

Star of the week is Dwij

Merit certificates go to Archie and Ellie for settling in really well to Sunshine class