Another week, another blog! It doesn't seem like a week ago since our last one!
"In English we have been carrying on our book called Hermelin. A visitor came in and it was Hermelin. He gave us some questions and told us to answer them. He knew all our names!" - Tegan
This week in Maths we have been brushing up on our money skills, getting ready for our quizzes at the end of this half term. The children have been focussing on adding amounts of money, finding ways to make the same amount and also answer money word problems.
CHALLENGE: How can you make £1.47 using the least number of coins? If you can come and tell Miss Ellison next week what the answer is you will get a treat!
"In science we have been learning about how plants grow, what they need and where the seed is." - Emily J
"Plants need water, air and sun to grow." - Cian
Miss Hargreaves has been teaching us Design Technology this half term and we have been looking at vehicles.
"Car, a truck, a bus and a van are types of vehicles." - Callie
"A car has a body, wheels, a bumper, windowscreen, lights and an axle." - Jamaar
"My favourite type of vehicle is a motor bike because I've sat on one before and I'm going to ride on one with my Grandad." - Max
This week in Year 2 (along with some Year 1 children) the football team have been spending their lunch times practising for the football tournament we took part in on Thursday. Mr Blackburn came along to help coach us because Miss Ellison is far from an expert at football.
"Here comes the 'proper' teacher" as Cian said when Mr Blackburn came to practise!!
The children went to Vida on Thursday to compete against many other schools in a 6-a side tournament. What a fantastic afternoon we had! Max, Cian, Hayden, Nicole, Mikquell and Reegan representated Pool House excellently and played with such enthusiasm and sportsmanship that Miss Ellison was EXTREMELY proud! Thank you to all the parents who came along to show their support and to Mr Blackburn for taking us to!
"I liked doing a penalty shoot out." - Hayden
"My favourite part was me being in the goal for the penalty shoot-out." - Cian
"I enjoyed playing a football match." - Nicole
"I enjoyed doing the football match and being in defence." - Max
Star of the week this week is Emily Jones and our merit certificates were awarded to Cian and Callie. Well done!!
There are no spellings this week. Instead we are focussing on our maths and reading and so have sent home some practise quiz questions. Please can these be handed in next Friday so we can look at them together in class and mark them.
Have a lovely, long weekend and see you all Tuesday!
Miss Ellison