This week in Rainbow class we have had an Easter themed day, breakfast with the Easter bunny, a talent show AND Wellybobs farm came to visit.
In English we have been writing our own poems about spring.
"I enjoyed writing the poem because I used a simile." - Layla.
"I liked writing the poem and gathering our ideas from outside." - Emily J.
"Outside I found some moss. The green moss was as green as an Elf's suit. I used this in my poem to describe spring." - Jamaar.
On Monday, Mrs Jones came to visit us and taught us how to make chocolate.
“Mrs Jones gave us some chocolate lollies and we looked at some moulds.” – Tegan.
“She showed us how to wrap them and we wrapped our own.” – Callie.
“I ate mine on my way home.” – Layla.
“Mrs Jones brought some cocoa nibs and we got to taste them. I thought they were nice.” – Finlay.
Before school on Tuesday we had breakfast with the Easter bunny.
“I enjoyed getting my chocolate lolly and sharing it with my sister.” – Max.
We also had our picture taken with the Easter bunny. You can see all the pictures on our school gallery page.
After breakfast we went to school and enjoyed an Easter themed day. All of Key Stage 1 got together and we went to different classrooms to enjoy different activities.
“In Sunshine class we went on an egg hunt and at the end we got to eat the chocolate eggs.” – Tegan.
“In Moonbeam class we decorated biscuits and made chocolate nests.” – Max.
“In Rainbow class we coloured some eggs and we made hatching chicks that moved up and down.” – Layla.
“In the afternoon we watched Hop and we ate hot cross buns and drank hot chocolate.” – Sophie.
On Wednesday we had a visit from Wellybobs farm.
“I liked walking with the Pony called Dave.” – Emma.
“I liked holding a chick. It felt soft and fluffy.” – Liliana.
“I loved feeding the goat and he tickled my fingers.” – Atlanta.
“I liked holding the rabbit and it felt fluffy.” – Hayden.
It has been such a busy week and we aren’t even at the end. I hope everyone has a lovely Easter holiday and I can’t wait to hear all the exciting things you have done.
Miss Ellison, Mrs Ridings, Miss Hargreaves and Rainbow class.