This week we are celebrating Red Nose Day by raising money!
Mrs Ridings has been teaching us about poetic language and imagery in English.
"Imagery is a picture that is created in your head when you read a poem." - Emily J
"April Rain was my favourite poem." - Emma
"I liked both poems." - Callie
"In computing we have been creating our own Sprite and background on Scratch" - Tegan.
"The Sprite that we made was a rocket." - Layla
The children are getting ready look more into programming and coding after Easter.
In music we created our own Easter spring chicken song.
"I enjoyed singing the Spring Chicken song with Mrs. Bennett." - Nicole.
Tuesday evening was a busy one for Miss Ellison because it was parent's evening. Thank you to all those Mum's and Dad's who came along to see me. The children are very pleased that they had such good feedback for parent's evening.
Today is all about Red Nose Day!
"We decorated cakes for the cake sale in the hall to raise money." - Hayden.
"We have been making music for a Red Nose Day song! I played the drum." - Max.
"We did the conga in the hall!" - Leon.
"We have been writing our jokes to make a class joke book." - Atlanta.
"What was wrong with wooden cars? - They wood-n't go!" - Finlay.
"What do you call a bear with no teeth? - A gummy bear!" - Nicole.
"Why were the teachers eyes crossed? - Because she couldn't control her pupils!" - Tegan.
"What do you call a sleeping dinosaur? - A dino-snore!" - Liliana.
"What musical instrument do you find in the bathroom? - A tuba-toothpaste!" - Max.
Star of the week this week was Zoha and our merit certificates were awarded to Sophie and Tegan. Next week we don't have any spellings to learn or Big Talk as we have a very busy and exciting week in school planned and it is our last week before Easter!! The children still need to do a homework in their books from the homework web, due on Friday.
We're off to go and enjoy our cakes at our bake sale now! Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Rainbow class