Another week of spring term 2 has flown by! We've been doing lots of interesting things this week and continuing our topic on Chocolate.
Our English topic on Chocolate has meant we had to taste some chocolate on Monday because who can write about chocolate without a taste test! "My favourite was white chocolate" – Atlanta. Lots of children have been earning golden tickets this week for good behaviour and excellent work and we are beginning to read Charlie and the Chocolate factory next week as our class book.
"We have been reading a book and it's called growing chocolate!" - Tegan.
"Me, Sophie and Atlanta acted out a show about how chocolate is made." - Emily J.
At the end of our chocolate unit we are going to write about the process of making chocolate in a flow chart. We have also been learning about time connectives by making cornflake cakes, paper aeroplanes and jam sandwiches by looking at instructions. We then found the different time connectives.
"Next, first, then and after that are time connectives" - Nicole
In Mathematics we have been doing some division word problems and learning how to divide by grouping.
"I liked grouping them up to help me" - Layla.
Mr Blackburn came to join us on Monday afternoon to join in our science. We have been continuing our work on Animals and their habitats.
"We were learning about food chains" - Cian
"Plant -> insect -> hedgehog -> fox" - Liliana.
"In RE we have been learning about the Easter story" - Zoha. We have been reading about the events and then ordering them in the correct sequence.
Hope you’re enjoying reading our blog as much as we are enjoying writing it!
Rainbow class