In Rainbow class this week we have been continuing our work on fairy tales. We have been focussing on Jack and the Beanstalk. We have made wanted posters for the Giant for our big write, watched a film version of Jack and the Beanstalk (it is a little bit different – Max) and acted the story out. (My favourite character to play is Jack – Layla).
In maths we have been looking at greater than/less than signs and ordering numbers. The circle group impressed Miss Ellison with their ordering of numbers, especially Emily P!
In art we have been painting in the style of Monet with Miss Hargreaves. There have been some excellent paintings and we made lily pads for our display. We have also been continuing our PowerPoints to Mrs Cottam which are coming along nicely.
Now on to PE! We have shown Miss Ellison how amazing we are at bench ball. Emma in particular was fantastic at catching the ball and Jamaar was a super defender. (I really enjoyed standing on the bench when I caught the ball – Cian).
Putting our science hats on, we have been learning about what animals need to survive. (Lions and cats are very similar in their needs, except cats need an owner – Liliana).
Our merit certificates went to Max and Emily P and our star of the week this week is Atlanta. Well done!