Welcome back Rainbow Class


What a fantastic first week back it has been, we have all come back with such positive attitudes, Mrs. Parkinson is so impressed!

We have been reading the E-book ‘The whole truth’ in English and predicting what we think will happen next, we acted out the story in groups, this was lots of fun.

In Maths we have been re capping greater than and less than, ordering numbers, partitioning numbers and placing numbers correctly on a number line.

We have explored the Islamic faith in RE, we found out lots of interesting information and facts.

In computing we found out all about E-Mails, we actually emailed Mrs. Parkinson and she replied strait away, we found this fascinating, we also looked at how people used to send mail a long time ago.

History has been our favourite subject this week as we explored the topic ‘The Tudors’ we really enjoyed finding out about King Henry VII and how life was so different in the Tudor time compared to now.

We have had Dance with Miss Leah and Mrs Parkinson gave us a great tennis lesson.

Certificates this week

Star- Nelly

Merit- Cruz and Luis


Friend- Jason